Global Finalist Profile
“Scrapays uses integrated offline-online technology to help recycling businesses provide on-demand material recovery services to waste producers, with a reward system.”
Scrapays Technologies
The Problem
90% of plastic waste polluting the oceans are from ten rivers in Africa and Asia. By 2025, the world will be generating 3.4B tonnes of waste; up an astounding 70% from 2016, with less than 4% of waste recycled in Africa.
About 1% of population in every urban city survive by scavenging recyclables and are unable to make a living wage from their activities. In Lagos, Nigeria alone, that is over 2 million people. In all this, Nigeria has the fastest growing waste production rate in SubSaharan Africa, and the fastest growing population, just enough to astronomically grow collection deficit while correspondingly increasing our obtainable market. Waste producers are also unable to dispose of recyclables appropriately if they want to.
The Solution
Scrapays allows waste producers to dispose of recyclable waste via independent businesses delivering convenience and reward on demand. Scrapays facilitates this using a decentralized recovery model, consisting of independent businesses (Agents, Collectors) and producers. We provide them with the infrastructure and technology to help them control recyclable material recovery while creating self-managed businesses from it.
Scrapays is for Individuals and Enterprises who are looking to make money or get a better return from recyclable waste and Out-of-Use scrap-able items. We allow individuals who have open spaces to Host collection outlets, become local Collectors. Allowing Individuals and Enterprises to get paid for their recyclable waste. while duly rewarding all partners’ commission per kilogram recovered.
The decentralized recovery network follows an architecture that allows Individual whom we refer to as Agents, list their space as temporary Recyclable Hosting Location and Collectors; mobile field soldiers that collect the recyclables in their mapped zone.
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Global Finalist Profile

“Scrapays uses integrated offline-online technology (USSD, IOT, Web, Mobile App) in its decentralized recovery model to help the 1% population in every urban city, that survive by operating recycling businesses (collectors, agents) provide on-demand material recovery services to waste producers (individuals, enterprises), with a reward in commission per kilogram recovered.”
Scrapays Technologies


The Problem
Marine animals die in their hundreds, because 90% of plastic waste polluting the oceans are from ten rivers in Africa and Asia. By 2025, we would be generating 3.4B tonnes of waste; up an astounding 70% from 2016, with <4% of waste recycled in Africa.10% of these waste is recovered in developing nations.
About 1% of population in every urban city survive by scavenging recyclables and are unable to make a living wage from their activities. In Lagos, Nigeria alone, that is >2Mn people. In all this, Nigeria has the fastest growing waste production rate in SubSaharan Africa, and the fastest growing population, just enough to astronomically grow collection deficit while correspondingly increasing our obtainable market. Also, waste producers cant even dispose of recyclables appropriately if they wanted to.
The Solution
Scrapays allows waste producers to dispose of recyclable waste via independent businesses delivering convenience and reward on demand. Scrapays facilitates this using a decentralized recovery model, consisting of independent businesses (Agents, Collectors) and producers.
We provide them with the infrastructure and technology to help them control recyclable material recovery while creating self-managed businesses from it. Scrapays is for Individuals and Enterprises who are looking to make money or get a better return from recyclable waste and Out-of-Use scrap-able items. We allow individuals who have open spaces to Host collection outlets, become local Collectors.
Allowing Individuals and Enterprises to get paid for their recyclable waste. while duly rewarding all partners’ commission per kilogram recovered. The decentralized recovery network follows an architecture that allows Individual whom we refer to as Agents, list their space as temporary Recyclable Hosting Location and Collectors; mobile field soldiers that collect the recyclables in their mapped zone.