Global Finalist Profile

“Transforming low income earning Malawian households from the use of forest wood charcoal to the use of charcoal briquettes as sustainable source of cooking energy with an aim of reducing the rate of deforestation.”

Ujinji Invest


The Problem

The challenge facing Malawi is deforestation caused by the need for cooking energy and unemployment among the youth and women. To access cooking energy and income generating activities, the population has resorted to using and selling forest wood charcoal which has resulted the country lose 32,000 hectares of forest cover every year.

Deforestation has contributed towards climate changes in Malawi where rainfall patterns have changed affecting the rate of harvests. Deforestation has forced many women and girls travel long distances and spend a lot of time fetching firewood instead of going to school or carrying out other activities. There are also reported cases of violence against women and girls who go in the far distant forests looking for firewood. Charcoal briquettes are a solution towards achieving SDG 1-No poverty, SDG 7-Affordable and clean energy and SDG 13-Climate action.

The Solution

Charcoal Briquettes are made by converting agricultural residues into sustainable clean cooking energy without cutting down trees. They have high calorific value, are very cheap, smokeless and burn for long hours.

Charcoal briquettes help reduce deforestation as no trees are cut down in sourcing energy for cooking. Value is added to agricultural waste which could have been burnt and then emit a lot of carbon into the atmosphere. Switching to charcoal briquettes stimulates local jobs and income streams hence poverty reduction. Households also generate savings from the use of charcoal briquettes because they are cheaper than wood charcoal.

Impact to Date

Below you will find some of the impact numbers of this venture to date.





Media Inquiries

Investors and Partners


Global Finalist Profile

“Transforming low income earning Malawian households from the use of forest wood charcoal to the use of charcoal briquettes as sustainable source of cooking energy with an aim of reducing the rate of deforestation.”

Ujinji Invest






The Problem

The challenge facing Malawi is deforestation caused by the need for cooking energy and unemployment among the youth and women. To access cooking energy and income generating activities, the population has resorted to using and selling forest wood charcoal which has resulted the country lose 32,000 hectares of forest cover every year.

Deforestation has contributed towards climate changes in Malawi where rainfall patterns have changed affecting the rate of harvests. Deforestation has forced many women and girls travel long distances and spend a lot of time fetching firewood instead of going to school or carrying out other activities. There are also reported cases of violence against women and girls who go in the far distant forests looking for firewood. Charcoal briquettes are a solution towards achieving SDG 1-No poverty, SDG 7-Affordable and clean energy and SDG 13-Climate action.

The Solution

Charcoal Briquettes are made by converting agricultural residues into sustainable clean cooking energy without cutting down trees. They have high calorific value, are very cheap, smokeless and burn for long hours.

Charcoal briquettes help reduce deforestation as no trees are cut down in sourcing energy for cooking. Value is added to agricultural waste which could have been burnt and then emit a lot of carbon into the atmosphere. Switching to charcoal briquettes stimulates local jobs and income streams hence poverty reduction. Households also generate savings from the use of charcoal briquettes because they are cheaper than wood charcoal.

Impact to Date

Below you will find some of the impact numbers of this venture to date.

Media Inquiries

Investors and Partners