Joining forces for the SDGs

Combining decades of development work with entrepreneurial action to accelerate

innovation for the 2030 Agenda.

Welcome to Accelerate2030 

Accelerate2030 is a global, multi-stakeholder program co-initiated by Impact Hub and UNDP Geneva.  This page outlines the collaboration opportunities among UNDP and Impact Hubs, especially at the local level, and  provides guidance, inspiration and best practices in building successful partnerships with an aim of advancing the SDGs through innovation and entrepreneurship.


Achieving a Common Goal.

Accelerate2030 provides a platform for UNDP Country Offices, Impact Hubs and other local partners to join forces and drive entrepreneurial action towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) locally and globally. We bring our complementary skills, networks, and expertise into this process:

As the lead UN development agency, UNDP is well-placed to help implement the Goals through their work in some 170 countries and territories, supporting countries in achieving the SDGs through integrated solutions.

Impact Hub is one of the world’s largest networks focused on building entrepreneurial communities for impact at scale, present in over 110 locations, across five continents and more than 60 countries.

About Accelerate2030

The Accelerate2030 program was co-initiated by UNDP Geneva and Impact Hub Geneva in 2016 in order to identify and support entrepreneurs from developing and emerging markets to scale their solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The scaling program has to date been run in 32 countries, attracting 3000+ applicants and supporting 470+ SDG-related entrepreneurs.

The program in a nutshell

Accelerate2030 identifies the most innovative businesses in emerging and developing countries tackling the SDGs, and supports them in scaling their solutions in a way that is sustainable for their teams and their businesses, driving the shift towards a more sustainable economy. 

The National Scale-Readiness program runs for 4-6 months, and offers personalized guidance, workshops, mentoring, peer support, retreats and online course content, in 5 major pillars: Leadership & Resilience, Impact Measurement Scaling Strategy, Access to Finance, and Partnerships.  You can learn more about the program and its support pillars here

The Global Scaling program provides 6-months of tailored support to Accelerate2030 ventures with the highest potential for international scaling, kicking-off during the Building Bridges Week in Geneva, Switzerland.


Collaboration opportunties in 2021-22

In this 4th edition of the program, we aim to support more than 200 SDG-related entrepreneurs and engage numerous partners locally and globally. The overall theme of the 2021-22 edition is Leave no one behind: Towards a Green and Inclusive Future” identifying and supporting entrepreneurial solutions reaching the bottom of the pyramid while contributing to the shift towards a more sustainable economy.

Sibö, Costa Rica

“When we started Accelerate2030, we were barely beginning to understand international business and how we wanted to scale the company. Now, we are an international company with its headquarters in Amsterdam, and operations in the UK and Costa Rica. Thanks to all the support at Accelerate2030 we were able to develop, improve and execute such a strategy.”

Co-founder and CEO

Stories of collaboration

The collaboration is driven locally by Impact Hubs and UNDP Country Offices (COs). There are multiple ways to engage locally, spanning from program design, joint communications campaigns and outreach, UNDP bringing in content around the SDGs and business, engaging experts and mentors, and opening networks and strategic connections for the most promising entrepreneurs.

Scaling Week 2023 Recap

Scaling Week 2023 Recap

Welcome to our recap of Scaling Week 2023! This year's theme, 'SDGs Ecosystem Connections,' brought together entrepreneurs from China, Zimbabwe, and Mexico in Geneva, where they connected with the vibrant Geneva ecosystem to enhance their contributions to the...

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Connect with Accelerate2030 at Scaling Week 2022

Connect with Accelerate2030 at Scaling Week 2022

From the 30th Sep - 6th October 2022 Accelerate2030 and Impact Hub Geneva-Lausanne will host the Sixth Accelerate2030 Scaling Week in Switzerland. Scaling Week aims to connect entrepreneurial champions from across the Global South –  working on transformational...

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Accelerate2030 at Building Bridges Week

Accelerate2030 at Building Bridges Week

This year, Accelerate2030 Scaling Week is happening alongside the Building Bridges Week in Geneva  - the main moment when the Geneva financial community comes together with the development community and businesses to channel more funding for action towards the...

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Our Impact

Accelerate2030 connects a like-minded community of SDG-inspired entrepreneurs, large companies, development agencies, governments, UN agencies, investors and others, who want to contribute with their expertise, resources and networks towards a shared mission of building a better more sustainable economy and society.

Collaboration toolkit

This collaboration is driven by local Impact Hubs and UNDP country offices. We’ve compiled a simple toolkit to make it easier for you to initiate and grow this collaboration in your country as well. We hope the toolkit serves as a good source of inspiration and encourage you to build a partnership with Impact Hub that works best in your local context.

Below is an overview of the different phases of the program and concrete steps you can take to engage. This has been compiled using feedback from both UNDP Country Offices and Impact Hubs who took part in our program in the past years. The list acts as guidance to be tailored to each context’s needs and vision.

Setting Thematic
Outreach and
Communication Camping
Selection process
& events

Our collaboration is growing

Participating Countries

Entrepreneurs Supported

International Partners

Million People Reached

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is leading the coordination and implementation of the program?

The lead organization of the program globally is Impact Hub Geneva, member of the global Impact Hub network. Impact Hub Geneva drives the global coordination of the program, supports local implementation partners to run the Accelerate2030 National Scale-Readiness phase of the program locally, and coordinates the Global Scaling phase of the program. 

The implementation of the program locally is led by local implementation partners. In most cases, these are local Impact Hubs, however in some cases these are other organisations (e.g. the Accelerate2030 – North Macedonia is led by Seavus Accelerator and Business Impact Lab, in close collaboration with UNDP North Macedonia).

How does the global collaboration work between UNDP and Impact Hub?

The Accelerate2030 program was co-initiated by UNDP Geneva and Impact Hub in 2016 in order to identify and support entrepreneurs from developing and emerging markets to scale their solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

In 2017, UNDP Geneva invested in enhancing the program selection methodology. To date, the program has grown to be the largest program connecting entrepreneurship and the SDGs, and has been present in 24+ countries, supporting 200+ entrepreneurs and engaging 100+ partners from different sectors.

Since the beginning, our collaboration has been built on a decentralised model. UNDP Geneva supports the global Accelerate2030 team to connect the local UNDP CO’s and Impact Hubs with the aim to foster collaboration on Innovation and the SDGs in respective countries. 

The global team provides this Toolkit to offer the general framework and guidance on how to best structure the collaboration based on best practices, but with the collaboration being decentralised and driven by the local UNDP COs and Impact Hubs, it is up to local teams to define the terms and agreements of their local collaboration within this framework. To support the development of collaboration at the country level this Collaboration Toolkit has been developed from the generous support of the Swiss Development Agency. 

What is the best way to approach a local Impact Hub?

The program is running in the following countries in 2021:

Africa: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Asia: China, Indonesia and Malaysia
Latin America: Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua and Venezuela
Eastern Europe: Croatia, North Macedonia and Turkey

If you have not yet been connected and want to connect with a local Impact Hub team, please fill in the contact form below and we will put you in direct contact with the team.

How does the local collaboration between UNDP CO’s and Impact Hubs take place?

The implementation of the program locally is led by national implementation partners. In most cases, these are local Impact Hubs, however in some cases these are other organisations (e.g. the Accelerate2030 – North Macedonia is led by Seavus Accelerator and Business Impact Lab, in close collaboration with UNDP North Macedonia).

Impact Hubs and UNDP COs teams in each location are connected by the global Accelerate2030 team, so they can develop the local collaboration in order to strengthen the support offered to the entrepreneurs to scale their solutions.

Collaboration can take different forms, based on the capacity and expertise of country offices, but mainly includes: support in communications campaigns and outreach, UNDP bringing in content around the SDGs and business, engaging experts and mentors, and opening networks and strategic connections for the most promising entrepreneurs.

In some cases, UNDP COs and local Impact Hubs have created formal collaboration agreements or MOUs, in other cases the collaboration has been more informal. For example, the third edition of A2030 in Venezuela was a joint collaboration between Impact Hub Caracas, UNDP Venezuela and Total SE. For more information see here and here.

In Geneva, since 2016 the the collaboration between UNDP Geneva and Impact Hub Geneva has focused mainly around the SDG Finance Summit Geneva and formerly the Social Good Summit Geneva (see more examples here), where Accelerate2030 entrepreneurs have been given the stage and connected to investors and key players in the Geneva 2030 ecosystem.

For more examples of collaboration between UNDP COs and Impact Hubs, see here.

The Collaboration Toolkit section above also includes more information on opportunities to get involved.

Are there additional touch points between Accelerate2030 and UNDP?

The program has collaborated with the UNDP’s Business Call to Action team regarding the impact measurement element of the program. They have delivered workshops in a few pilot countries in the last editions and they contributed to an online course on impact measurement which we co-developed with the International Trade Centre. The current head of BCtA, Luciana Aguiar is a member of Accelerate2030’s Advisory Board.

“With the 2030 Agenda, we have a set of ambitious targets that require ‘moon shots’, that is radically new innovations to help transform our economies into sustainable systems that provide opportunities for all. Entrepreneurship is key to this. It provides an opportunity for the growing number of young people on this planet, who in turn precisely are already or will be the next-gen entrepreneurs.”


Abdoulaye Mar Dieye, Head UNDP’s Global Policy Bureau’s address at Accelerate2030 event, UNGA 2018


¡Get in touch!

“With the 2030 Agenda, we have a set of ambitious targets that require ‘moon shots’, that is radically new innovations to help transform our economies into sustainable systems that provide opportunities for all. Entrepreneurship is key to this. It provides an opportunity for the growing number of young people on this planet, who in turn precisely are already or will be the next-gen entrepreneurs.”

Abdoulaye Mar Dieye, Head UNDP’s Global Policy Bureau’s address at Accelerate2030 event, UNGA 2018


¡Get in touch!

Get in touch!

Do you want to be connected to an Impact Hub or UNDP Country Office? Please send us a message and we get back to you. 


Get in touch!

Do you want to be connected to an Impact Hub or UNDP Country Office? Please send us a message and we get back to you.